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The Excise & Taxation Department is the major revenue collecting agency in the State. The revenue is collected in the shape of various levies such as Taxes, Excise Duties and fee etc. under the various Taxation and Excise Acts enforced by this department. Excise & Taxation Department has the administrative control of the following Acts:-

  1. Punjab Excise Act, 1914
  2. Medicinal and Toilet Preparation (Excise Duties) Act, 1955
  3. East Punjab Molasses (Control) Act, 1948
  4. Indian Power Alcohol Act, 1948
  5. Central Sales Tax Act, 1956
  6. H.P. Value Added Tax Act, 2005
  7. H.P. Entertainment (Cinematograph Show) Act, 1968
  8. H.P. Passengers & Goods Taxation Act, 1955
  9. H.P. Tax on Luxuries (In Hotels & Lodging Houses) Act, 1979
  10. H.P. Entertainment Duty Act, 1968
  11. Narcotic Drugs & Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985
  12. H.P. Certain Goods (Carried by Road) Act, 1999
  13. H.P. Tolls Act, 1975
  14. H.P. Entry Tax Act, 2010

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